Organizacja i obsługa loterii

and management of lotteries
and competitions


Lotteries and competitions

Ideal solution for your company

  • Lotteries and competitions are considered to be the most fair way of product promotion, they reach a large target audience and strongly support sales
  • Lotteries and competitions are successfully applicable to massive consumer promotions, as well as to certain B2B clients segments
  • We enjoy a vast experience in the organization and management of lotteries and competitions, and we will advise you how to communicate with your clients. Our lotteries and competitions are carried out using sms, WWW web page and traditional scratch cards.

It is also worth considering the use of promotional or audio text lotteries.

Find out more

Loterie i konkursy - belka

We plan it for you

Our team of experts will arrange a lottery or competition, specially earmarked for your company. We know that an effective lottery or contest has the following aspects clearly defined:

  • Objective (building a strong brand, sales growth, acquiring new users, creating loyalty of current clients),
  • Target group (individual clients, business clients, employees),
  • Timing of the lottery or competition

Based on  the above mentioned criteria,  we can establish participation rules in a lottery/competition and ways and means  of communication with participants. What is important is that  we provide a formal/legal support for the whole activity (including rules and regulations).

We arrange it

With our help you do not have to worry about anything. We will develop and implement the whole activity, taking care of even the smallest details. A competition/lottery organized by Motivation Direct involves the following

  • Well thought through communication strategy ( including using emails/sms)
  • Optimum participation rules,
  • Comprehensive rewards catalog,
  • Outstanding visualization, adjusted to the target group, simultaneously building a strong brand for your company
  • Professional approach to participants,
  • All permits required by the Ministry of Finance,
  • Professional rewards logistics.

We will take care of legal and tax issues

Motivation Direct not only plans and arranges for lotteries and competitions, but also other programs, thanks to which you can achieve effective sales support. Each activity organized by us has all legal/tax aspects handled.

The  scope of our support  in the following legal and tax formalities,will ensure your peace of mind:

  • What is the legal framework of lotteries, competitions and loyalty programs, including competition commission’s work, correct templates of bank guarantees and rewards receipt by lottery/competition/loyalty program winners?
  • How to adjust program regulations and documentation to laws and legal regulations (e.g. The Act on personal data protection, the Act on games of chance, mutual wagering and games on machines, the Act on income tax from natural persons)
  • Are any additional permits to be obtained by the organizer needed?
  • What documentation is mandatory during tax inspections?

You can enjoy spending your time on monitoring increased sales

We give access to modern tools to be used for monitoring results of carried out (completed) lotteries and competitions. Thanks to them you can monitor and check any time participants behavior and status of the targets realization ( e.g. increased sales, employees’ performance). The results you will achieve will surely encourage you to repeat such an activity in the future. 



Our specialists will clarify all your doubts and help prepare a program, lottery or competition, taking care of all legal and tax aspects, including the following:

  • They will arrange for a legally correct compliant schedule for your lottery, competition or another program (loyalty, motivation, etc.)
  • They will prepare lottery, competition or program rules and regulations
  • They will develop templates of all required documents
  • They will obtain all needed permits,
  • They will recommend the optimum tax solution for participants and your company.

Email us

Call (22) 201 24 56
Formularz angielski

Motivation Direct Sp. z o.o.

02-607 Warszawa, ul. Czeczota 31

tel +48 22 201 24 56

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